Welcome to Class!

    1. Welcome to the NCLEX Review Course!

    2. Disclaimer & User Rights

    1. You Got This!

    1. Question Types & Safety

    2. Assistive Devices, Consent & Infection Control

    3. Fundamentals Summary

    4. Fundamentals Quiz

    1. Assignment, Delegation, Medical-Legal, & Management Concepts

    2. Management Concepts, Triage, Disaster Planning & Cultural Competent Care

    1. Basic Metabolic Panel, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, & Calcium

    2. Diabetes & Insulin

    3. BUN & Creatinine

    4. Hematology & The Renal System

    5. Hematology & The Specific Tests

    6. BMP & Diabetes - A Quick Review

    7. Cardiac Labs & Pathophysiology

    8. Angina, PAD, & PVD

    9. Hypertension, Heart Failure, & Shock

    10. Endocrine

    11. Gastroenterology

    12. Respiratory

    13. Acid Base Balance

    14. Trademark Signs & Classic Findings

    1. Anxiety, Bipolar, Delirium, & Antipsychotic Medications

    2. Therapeutic Communication, Schizophrenia, & Other Mood Disorders

    3. Alcohol & Drug Abuse

    4. Mental Health Quiz

About the Course

  • $99.00
  • 55 lessons
  • 14.5 hours of video content

What sets us apart?

First, our lectures are INCREDIBLY engaging. Second, our price. We are much less expensive than "the other guys".

  • Over 14 hours of engaging & interactive NCLEX prep lectures!

  • 30 days or 90 days of 24/7 access!

  • Flexible payment options with flexible lengths of access


  • How long do I have access to the course?

    You're in the driver's seat with this. At checkout, you will have the option to choose 3 or 6 months of access.

  • How and where can I access the course?

    You can complete the course from any device with internet (or data) access...PCs, tablets, smartphones!

  • After I purchase the course, when do I get access?

    Immediately! Upon purchase, you are automatically enrolled in the course and can start right away!

  • If I have a question that comes up while in the course, can I ask someone?

    Yep! We are known to respond very quickly to our emails! Just email your question to [email protected] and we will get your question answered!

  • I've been out of nursing school for several years, is it too late for me?

    Heck no! Our program has helped students after multiple unsuccessful attempts and several years out of nursing class. It is NOT to late, but know, the longer you are out of class, the harder it is to retain information. Our program can help, but YOU have to really want it!

The Team

Nursing Instructor/NCLEX Guru Nick Thomas

After finishing my MSN in education, I became an AHA (American Heart Association) BLS (Basic Life Support), ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support), and PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) certified instructor. I used these certifications to train thousands of student nurses, ED, OR, ICU, TCU, and critical care RNs to run codes. I worked 10 years in the ED of a 4-hospital system that employs more than 10,000 employees. Later, I was asked to collaborate and teach for the hospital's first EKG class launch. For the first 2 years of the EKG class, I taught nearly every RN that started at the hospital on a floor where there was telemetry. After nursing school, I could never get complacent with one area. I started on a med/surg floor before spending the rest of my time in the Emergency Department. While working in the ED, I volunteered to pick up shifts everywhere. Inpatient mental health, ICU, and all the different floors in the hospital. When that wasn’t busy enough, I worked a second job at an (LTAC) Long Term Acute Care, and a rehab facility. Then I transitioned into education (the best decision of my life). My college-level experience started as a clinical adjunct educator teaching lab, skills, clinical, simulation, and later became full-time didactic staff. During my time as a collegiate professor, I taught Pharmacology, Med/Surg, Fundamentals, Leadership, and Critical Care.

Co-Founder/Instructor Brandon Schoborg

Brandon currently works at Mayo Clinic in Florida as the Director of Clinical Services in Ambulance Services. Previously, he has spent time as the EMS Captain for the Hebron (KY) Fire Protection District; EMS Education Manager of a hospital and college based EMT/Paramedic Program in Kentucky; EMS Education Manager for the Columbus (OH) Division of Fire; Director of EMS Education at Cleveland Clinic Akron General; the Assistant EMS Coordinator, Engineer/Paramedic, and SWAT Paramedic with the Newport Fire/EMS Department in Kentucky for 8 years. He began his teaching career at the University of Cincinnati Clermont College. He completed his paramedic education at the University of Cincinnati in 2010. Brandon has an Associate’s Degree in EMS, Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science, and a MBA in Healthcare Management. He completed his paramedic education at the University of Cincinnati in 2010. Brandon has an Associate’s Degree in EMS, Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science, and a MBA in Healthcare Management.

Co-Founder/Instructor Adam Peddicord

Adam has been a Paramedic since 1998 and started his fire service career in 1993. In 2022, he retired from the Newport Fire/EMS Department as a Battalion Chief & Medical Commander of the Newport Police Department SWAT Team. In 2023, here returned to the fire service as an Assistant Chief of Operations with the Hebron(KY) Fire Protection District and in 2024, he was promoted to Fire Chief. He holds multiples Associate’s Degrees along with a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Nursing and is a board- certified Family Nurse Practitioner. As a Nurse Practitioner, Adam has experience in orthopedics and addiction medicine. Adam has over 20 years of experience in EMS education through the University of Cincinnati and Gateway Community and Technical College.

Say it with us..."I will be a Nurse!"