9 hours of review lectures, the EMT NREMT Study Guide, an interactive workbook, and end of section review quizzes

    1. Welcome/Course Introduction

    2. Disclaimer & User Rights

    3. Error Reporting

    4. About the NREMT Exam

    1. EMT NREMT Study Guide

    2. Free Downloads

    1. Patient Assessment Review Lecture

    2. Introduction & Patient Assessment Review Quiz

    1. Airway & Respiratory Review Lecture

    2. Airway & Respiratory Interactive Workbook

    3. Airway & Respiratory Review Quiz

    1. Cardiology Review Lecture

    2. Cardiology Interactive Workbook

    3. Cardiac Dissection Video!

    4. Cardiology Review Quiz

    1. Pharmacology Review Lecture

    2. Pharmacology Review Quiz

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 33 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

Our Course

What sets us apart?

  • Over 9 hours of NREMT review/prep lectures!

  • Digital download of our wildly popular EMT NREMT Study Guide!

  • End of section review quizzes so you can check your knowledge as you go!

  • 3 or 6 months of 24/7 access

What our students say...


Sheri, EMT

This is by far the best review course you can take for the NREMT! I feel like this course has helped prepare me for the NREMT by covering material that I would have never considered. Brandon and Adam are great instructors and are always willing to help! 10/10 recommend!!

Another Victory!

Ben, EMT

Awesome news! Once again, Pass with PASS has another victory! Watched all the EMT review lectures last week and went over the study guides. I took the cognitive via the at-home option a few days ago and found out this morning that I passed! Thank you for your educational support!

"I Did NOT Pass the First Time, but..."

Jake, EMT

Just wanted to say I did NOT pass my NREMT the first time. THEN I bought your study guide and KILLED it the second attempt. The EMT study guide is quick and dirty tips that are straight to the point. Thank y'all!

Killed It!

Efren, EMT


Feeling Grateful!

George, EMT

First time I took the NREMT I did not pass, it kicked me off at 84 questions and I was a bit let down. I saw Pass with PASS on Instagram and figured I'd give it a shot. I purchased the NREMT EMT Study Guide and thoroughly went through it several times as well as created note cards for everything in the study guide. I studied for 2 hours everyday for 30 days and retook my exam today. I'm so happy I passed the test with out stressing at 70 questions! Feeling grateful!

Pass with PASS Saved Me!

Chablis, EMT

I used Pass with PASS to study for my NREMT for a week before my test and passed on the first try with ease! Pass with PASS seriously saved me and broke it down so much easier! I even used it the morning of my test while waiting in the parking lot!


  • How long will I have access?

    It depends on the option that you choose. For $100, you will have full access for 3 months after purchase. For $150, you will have full access for 6 months after purchase.

  • Will this help me while I'm in the EMT class?

    Of course it will! Our primary purpose is to help you prepare for the NREMT exam, but the content is the content. Our lectures and study guides will help you on your class exams, the Fisdap Predictor, etc.

  • How do I know if the material "is sticking"?

    There is a review quiz at the end of each section. There is no "passing" grade, however, it should serve as a tool to check your knowledge upon completion of that section. There are explanations for the questions where an answer rationale would be helpful. We've also included a "Topics to Know" lesson under each section - this is an outline that highlights the topics/concepts that we feel are most important to your success on the NREMT exam. Prior to taking the exam, we highly recommend that you review every bullet point of the "Topics to Know" to ensure that you have a working understanding of that material.

  • Does the review course cover everything on the NREMT exam?

    If we covered everything in the EMT textbook and on the NREMT exam - the course would be much longer than 7 hours. We cover the topics/concepts that we feel are most important for your success on the NREMT exam for a particular topic. We don't have "the inside scoop" on the NREMT exam, but as long-time educators, we do have a pretty good feel for the most important topics and concepts!

  • I've been out of EMT class or over a year, is it too late for me?

    Heck no! Our program has helped students on their 6th attempt, 23 months out of Paramedic class. It is NOT to late, but know, the longer you are out of class, the harder it is to retain information. Our program can help, but YOU have to really want it!

  • What's the difference between this and the EMT Study Guide Bundle?

    The EMT Study Guide Bundle is exactly what it sounds like...a bundle of EMT study guides. There are no lectures included with the bundle. The EMT NREMT Review Course is the best of both worlds - the EMT NREMT Study Guide and lots of lectures!

  • Does this course satisfy the NREMT requirements for a refresher after 3 unsuccessful exam attempts?

    No, it does not. This course is 7 hours in length and the NREMT requires the refresher course to be 20 hours in length. This course is designed to be a supplemental/resource to prepare for the NREMT exam.


Over 33 years of initial EMS education experience!

Co-Founder/Instructor Brandon Schoborg

Brandon currently works at Mayo Clinic in Florida as the Director of Clinical Services in Ambulance Services. Previously, he has spent time as the EMS Captain for the Hebron (KY) Fire Protection District; EMS Education Manager of a hospital and college based EMT/Paramedic Program in Kentucky; EMS Education Manager for the Columbus (OH) Division of Fire; Director of EMS Education at Cleveland Clinic Akron General; the Assistant EMS Coordinator, Engineer/Paramedic, and SWAT Paramedic with the Newport Fire/EMS Department in Kentucky for 8 years. He began his teaching career at the University of Cincinnati Clermont College. He completed his paramedic education at the University of Cincinnati in 2010. Brandon has an Associate’s Degree in EMS, Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science, and a MBA in Healthcare Management. He completed his paramedic education at the University of Cincinnati in 2010. Brandon has an Associate’s Degree in EMS, Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science, and a MBA in Healthcare Management.

Co-Founder/Instructor Adam Peddicord

Adam has been a Paramedic since 1998 and started his fire service career in 1993. In 2022, he retired from the Newport Fire/EMS Department as a Battalion Chief & Medical Commander of the Newport Police Department SWAT Team. In 2023, here returned to the fire service as an Assistant Chief of Operations with the Hebron(KY) Fire Protection District and in 2024, he was promoted to Fire Chief. He holds multiples Associate’s Degrees along with a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Nursing and is a board- certified Family Nurse Practitioner. As a Nurse Practitioner, Adam has experience in orthopedics and addiction medicine. Adam has over 20 years of experience in EMS education through the University of Cincinnati and Gateway Community and Technical College.